Project Geekology

The Dragon Prince - Season 1

Anthony, Dakota, Rich Episode 110

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Join us as we dive into the animated wonder that is The Dragon Prince. With its magical storytelling and themes of friendship, identity, and adventure, this podcast episode unpacks what makes the series stand out in the realm of animation.

From the richly designed world filled with elves, humans, and dragons to the series’ intriguing characters, we break down how these components come together to tell a compelling narrative. The show juxtaposes humor with meaningful moments that resonate deeply, showcasing the journey of young adventurers navigating their roles in an epic quest. What secrets lie within the extraordinary magic system? How do the relationships of Callum, Ezran, and Rayla evolve as they face moral dilemmas and external conflicts? 

We also delve into the humor woven throughout the series, discussing how it impacts character development and storytelling. As we grapple with the deeper themes of power, loyalty, and self-discovery, listeners will gain a comprehensive understanding of what makes The Dragon Prince a significant contribution to animated storytelling.

Anthony also has a section covering his time at Animate! Miami at the Miami Airport Convention Center during February 14-16, 2025.

Listen in for Anthony and Rich's predictions and hot takes, and share your thoughts with us! Don't forget to leave a review if you enjoy our content, as your support makes all the difference!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to episode 110 of Project Geekology. What do you get when you put Avatar and Ruby together? You get the Dragon Prince. Yes, that is what we are covering today. I am one half of your host, anthony, and joining me, as always, is Dakota and I have drank my hot brown morning potion.

Speaker 2:

I am ready to go, even though you know we're recording this at night, but I am so ready for this. I've been talking about the dragon prince for a couple weeks now on the show and I'm excited to have finally brought on board two new dragon prince viewers. I don't know what to call you guys. I don't even know if you like the show, whatever, but we'll find out very soon what anthony and our other guest, our other host actually rich Rich. How you doing, buddy?

Speaker 3:

I'm doing great. You know it's the week off up here in New York so I've been kind of maximizing that, went to the Banksy Museum today, got some great eats in the city and been filling my time with a lot of Star Wars Outlaws. I'm really loving that game. I mean the stealth. You know, despite you telling me weeks ago that stealth is going to be very important, I still decided to go into some. Like I think I went to my first imperial compound and I was just shooting everyone, I didn't care, and then I quickly got taken down and I, after about 15 tries of just bum rushing it, I said you know, I think I gotta slow it down so yeah, or at least like try to like go in through the side or like go atop it somehow, and yeah, no, that's, that's a lot of what outlaws is but I'm starting and that's fun, oh yeah that's fun, but it doesn't work with all play styles yeah, so it's definitely reigning me and reigning me in a lot, but I'm enjoying it.

Speaker 3:

It's definitely a different look at star wars. You know, I I liked the survivor and I can't remember the other one right now, but the same one. Order, yeah. Final order with cal castas.

Speaker 3:

I like those games but at the same time I hated the maps they wanted to make me kill, like the lack of map or the the terrible maps where it wouldn't show you where you were on the map relative, like if you were at the beginning of a passage or the end of a passage. So I got really frustrated with that. I'm finding that the maps aren't as difficult here, but, as always, I said to my wife as I was playing I was like my favorite video games my biggest enemy is the mountain, whether it's fallout vegas, whether it's skyrim, whether it's red dead, when you're down in mexico it's mountains. Man like I'm just like, oh, there goes the marker, I'm right there. Oh wait, no, it's actually a 500 foot. You know cliff face and I have no way of getting up there. So now I have to backtrack seven miles.

Speaker 2:

I just oh, that is really annoying, and there's a lot of that I hate. I hate mountains, I just hate them so skyrim did's a lot of that.

Speaker 3:

I hate mountains.

Speaker 1:

I just hate them so much Skyrim did that a lot, but at least you could like in Skyrim, you could like jump backwards while crouching and like climb any mountain.

Speaker 2:

You could climb any mountain if you worked hard enough.

Speaker 3:

I got to the point where I was like, no, I'm not doing, I'm just gonna butt jump all the way back up this mountain, you know, and I kind of missed the butt jumping and you know what there was also in oblivion which is the elder scrolls game that came out before that.

Speaker 2:

You could maximize your acrobatics, oh my god, which which just allowed you to jump higher and higher you. You could jump over buildings in that game, like it. It just and that's a natural, that's not like a bug or anything that's, that's that's built into the game for some reason.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's because you could. Your legs are just that's because you could, uh, increase like you could. You would increase like running, and like you could increase jumping and acrobatics, like just by literally just walking around at sky like oblivion, just jumping. I would just like jump for like an hour eventually your jumps will be op.

Speaker 2:

You could get over like pretty much most cliff faces that you. You know you couldn't normally get up, but but yeah, that was. That was fun. That was when games made little sense but had a whole lot of you know we don't need them to.

Speaker 1:

You know like we really like bring back the acrobatic skill.

Speaker 3:

Honestly, my favorite thing is going through a really complicated dungeon, like a really complicated dungeon, and then, like when you get to the end of it in Skyrim they would just have like an easy exit, like I'd just be like, oh, here's this rando door that leads to the beginning of the cave, and it made me so happy because the deeper I got I was always like will I be able to get back? And I just loved that. Oh, hey, here you go, like I, I kind of like in I think outlaws does that a little bit where you'll get to the end, and instead of like, okay, now you have to sneak out, it's like wait, here's another way out. I'm like, yay, sky room, sky room would do that.

Speaker 1:

Like their like dungeons were like just one giant circle you know you would go down a little bit, go back up, you know and then like you're like, oh hey, that's the.

Speaker 2:

It's like a space above where you like walked into and you're like, man, like if I could jump up there, I could have just skipped all of this and so if you guys ever do check out our show notes down below, there's usually like a two to three paragraph introduction that's provided as like an ai assistant to the podcast that the podcasting host website buzzsprout creates for us. It basically like amalgamates everything that's said in the podcast into three paragraphs, and I assure you that the first paragraph is going to now just be about jumping in video games, and I can't wait to read it because it makes it's gonna.

Speaker 2:

It's just, this podcast is about dragon prince guys, mostly, anyway but it's gonna devote like a third of the introduction to just jumping in video games and I think that that's the funniest thing ever.

Speaker 1:

We yeah, yeah, Like I mean, we try to doctor it a bit.

Speaker 2:

No, we do. We have to because sometimes it just doesn't even know yeah.

Speaker 1:

Anybody who's like into AI knows that those things hallucinate like crazy.

Speaker 3:

Maybe in that case we should jump into Anthony's big week.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cause we, we should jump into Anthony's big week? Yeah, because we like to jump. Well, I'm going to let you guys, I'll go last, because you know mine will be like a little All right, so it'll probably go a while, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll go next. Yeah, I was working around the new house a lot this week, finally figured out all the plumbing issues that we've been having, like for some reason, like the pump wasn't pumping, there was a leak in the toilet, there were certain things that just weren't hooked up, and I've been working on that pretty much primarily. But today I finally we kind of figured out all of that. We got like all the doors in place that needed to be, you know, the final stuff facade-wise and I'm really happy about that and our appliances, you know, a fridge, stove, washing machine and microwave come tomorrow, on Thursday. So a couple days, you know a couple days ago, as of you guys listening here. So I'm excited to just finally have a workable home.

Speaker 2:

But I did spend a little bit of time today going back into my project. It's been a couple weeks since I've actively worked on the avatar timeline just because I've been, you know, just busting my back on finishing this big project which is a house. But yeah, I'm going back and I'm doing more timeline notes. I'm watching through avatar again and I just watched today the episode the Sun Warriors, where Zuko and Aang basically find out that dragons still exist in small numbers and there's a secret civilization of you know, basically like Aztec and Mayan people who are the original firebenders, and it's just fun.

Speaker 2:

I miss fun stuff like that and I'm excited to talk about more fun stuff like that today, because the show that we're covering, the dragon prince is very much in that vein of perhaps a little bit more wacky is not the word, but it's a lot more light-hearted, I think, than avatar generally is. But yeah, I'm excited to jump into that later. But that's pretty much all that I've been up to, I think, and yeah, I'm gonna send it right back over to you, anthony well, so I'm gonna dedicate a little bit of this podcast to the weekend, so like valentine's day weekend.

Speaker 1:

So by the time that y'all get this, it's would have been already like a little over a week since, since I've gone, but I went to a convention. It was called Animate Miami and it was at the Miami Airport Convention Center. I've gone there many times for many conventions. I even went there for Supercon back in its smaller, more humbler days and, yeah, man, it was a good time. It was its first year back since, like I think, 2018.

Speaker 1:

The the guy, who the guy? So the guy who runs it he runs this convention circuit called galaxy con. I don't know if you've ever heard of them, but the same guy owns these things called, or these conventions called, animate there's a few of them. He also does these things called, or these conventions called, animate there's a few of them. He also does these things called nightmare weekends, which are you know, they're like more dedicated to horror and and so this same guy actually owned super con way back then and sold it to read pop. So I think the reason why animate probably stopped was because I think there was a non-compete in either florida or south florida for about five years and then, now that those like five years are up, he oh they can.

Speaker 1:

They can go back yeah, he's back now, so this was you know. So this was its first year back. The thing I loved about going to this convention was that it wasn't quite packed yet. I mean, don't get me wrong, there was tons of people there, but it wasn't quite packed enough to where I had to park in the overflow parking. I actually got to park in the front of the convention center like all three days and I was like, oh, thank you so much, I dude, I just don't like going to that overflow parking. It's scary as heck. It's like in the dark. I feel like I'm gonna get attacked like any like moment. I don't know why that overflow parking is so dark. I think there's lights there. They just don't turn them on. That was a problem with otaku fest, for sure, and I know that otaku fest is going back to the Miami airport convention center, so I don't know how that's gonna work out. That's gonna be just absolutely annoying. But I had a really good time.

Speaker 1:

They, they. I always like going to these smaller conventions because there's like a certain like intimacy to it that, like you know, although there's still a lot of people there, you don't feel like you're wall to wall just packed out, like, the previous weekend was megacon and a lot of these vendors went to megacon and a lot of them did like pretty well as far as, like you know, making money at megacon. Some of them didn't do so well on this weekend and I think that it was probably because megacon a lot I mean megacon is in florida. It's like maybe the I would I would actually call it like maybe the nycc for florida, like there's no bigger convention in florida than megacon and you didn't go though you didn't go, did you?

Speaker 1:

no, no, dude, megacon is just too early in the year for me. It's too early for me to plan a trip to go up to orlando and, uh, like you, you know, especially after, like you know, the holiday season and all that stuff, it's just sure, yeah, it's just yeah, it's, it's too early to to plan a trip like that. At least with anime it's a little bit closer, I can drive, and so, yeah, I think that you know a lot of people that probably went up to megacon, also went to this one too. You know a lot of florida folk from from south florida, so I don't think a lot of them spent a lot of money, you know, because they're like, oh, I went to megacon, I mean I, I, I made a, a few purchases, I mean I showed you the little jeff the land shark that I got and I got a couple of of other things. I got some persona mouse pads. Dakota dakota is smirking, you know, I know he wants to talk crap I don't, I know nothing about dakota, dakota hates zero about persona dakota hates my, my persona joy

Speaker 1:

he's writhing in pain.

Speaker 2:

I could see an absolute hater.

Speaker 1:

No, but they had like these, these viewing rooms. Every convention I've gone to has like some sort of viewing room that, like you know, one is like showing out anime and the other might be showing something else. So towards the end of saturday no, no, friday night, after the exhibition floor closed, the rooms upstairs were still there's still stuff going on until like 1, 2 am. But one of the rooms was showing sonic 3. So like I sat in and watched sonic 3 with like a bunch of like just you know random people that would pop in and pop out.

Speaker 2:

I was for you what happened?

Speaker 1:

that was the first time for you yeah, I didn't see, uh, sonic 3 in the theaters so I I sat and I was gonna sit there maybe for a little while, but I was like, oh you know what, like I decided to sit and watch it. I mean it was. I think it started around, like you know, eight o'clock and ended, maybe I don't even know how long maybe close to 10 or a little after 10, so I mean, so it was cool. Like I mean, they were showing sonic 3. They had, you know, anime there. There was actually like another like podcast that was kind of walking around there. They were called. I have them here. I was connecting with peeps out there dakota. I was connecting with peeps. They're called um.

Speaker 2:

You met real people real people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, freestyle anime podcast. And you know, I was kind of like, you know, just, you know, talking back and forth, they saw that I had the press pass and they're like, oh, are you like with the publication? I was like, no, I'm, I'm with with the podcast and they're like, oh, for real, we are too. And uh, you know, it was really cool. They had some of their own merch and they had, like, you know, anime hot takes and all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

You know I've been, I've been wanting us to to get together and do something at a convention together. Um, believe it or not, they told me that, like I don't, I mean maybe not the bigger conventions, but some of the smaller ones that he said that they've gone to a few and he said that they're always like that the conventions are always looking for people to fill out panels, and so they had a panel. Oh, no, they didn't. Do they have a panel? No, I don't think this time they around, they had a panel, but they said that they've done a few panels and a lot of them are like, you know, anime hot takes.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like dude, like I was like it would just be so funny. It would just be so funny if we ever did a panel and it's just like five people in the audience and like two people leave or something.

Speaker 1:

He said that a lot of these panels that he's gone to they'll like fill out. It's just keeping them in there and I'm like it's places for people to sit Right exactly and to listen and I'm like. I'm like it's, it's, it's places for people to sit Right, exactly, and to listen. And I'm like you know what the perfect one for Dakota would be like and I know you would be like all into it would be like talking about the MCU timeline, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I could see that.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, I'm like Dakota could do a panel on that and then we could bring rich down, you know, or wherever it is that we do it. But no, I thought that was cool. I was like man, you know, I didn't consider doing a a panel, but that would be interesting to like. You know, that wouldn't be random, like if we go do a panel at some random convention and we have people like, oh, I listen to you all the time. I'll be like what the heck? Just like in a random place. But it would be.

Speaker 3:

But the closest I've ever. I I was on this like weird wrestling youtube interview show that they do weekly, and the next night or three nights later I was still in mexico and I went to an arena for a show and some guy was like hey, I saw you on tv yesterday and I'm like, oh, what's going on, man? He's like rich right. I'm like that's weird. That's weird. I'm like, oh, what's going on, man? He's like rich right, and I'm like that's weird, that's weird.

Speaker 3:

I'm like that's super weird because, like it's the nichest of the niche right, like it's a YouTube, it's a, it's a like Lucha Libre YouTube show. You know, I mean I could definitely see Dakota doing a panel 1,000%.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, maybe someday I've gotten recognized by people in the past. Sometimes I'll be at like an opening night screening and it's the people who are at opening night screenings who are most likely to have experienced my work or, you know, seen my face online somewhere. So I'll sometimes get people say, oh wait, are you that guy? And yeah, I'm that guy. But my favorite was at new york comic-con. One time I was walking into the bathroom and someone stopped me and they're like dude, are you geek critique? And I was just like. I was just taken aback because I was just like in the bath. I had to like get to the bathroom and I was just in that mindset. I was like, yeah, dakota, what's up, what's your name? He's like he told me his name and then he's just like, uh, good luck in the bathroom. And yeah, that was.

Speaker 1:

Dakota just had to let one loose and this guy wanted to talk but yeah, so any any cool stories from the con or I did. They did have a and and I kind of like stayed a part of that because one of my friends went. But after the festivities on Saturday they had like this like emo, like music night upstairs and they were playing like a bunch of like stuff that, like you know, we grew up with. There was Green Day.

Speaker 1:

They were playing like papa roach, lincoln park afi and was it like slipknot, whatnot, and like even some of like the, the newer, like you know, like later in the 2000s, like when you like fell off of like kind of listening to to rock. That's cool, but but yeah, no, that that was a good time. I got a few things. I got the jeff, the mouse pad. I felt bad for the, the artist alley. I always feel like artist alley. They always get stuck in like just the corner somewhere, you know, and in super con like they're like kind of out the main floor and I know that like to save space because the miami airport convention center is a little bit smaller and like the other like showroom that they had there was like the place that that uh and rich would have loved this. They had uh wrestling there. They it was like character wrestling, you know, and so like upstairs and like one of the like I guess bigger panel rooms is where they had Artist Alley and I went up there and perused a couple things.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, man, overall I thought it was a pretty fun show. I expect it to grow. It was not the smallest convention I've been to. There was money put into the advertisement and stuff and I mean they had the bigger galaxy con that it's connected to. So it's not, like you know, a group of people trying to make a convention Like. I think Otaku Fest is genuinely like the smallest like convention that I've kind of attended. That's blown up to what it's blown up to, you know.

Speaker 2:

So you think Animate Miami is going to blow up eventually?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I think that it'll probably.

Speaker 2:

Well, it'll take a couple years, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it'll probably grow out the Miami Airport Convention Center, but I was just happy enough to enjoy it in its In its infancy.

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, in its infancy. You know being able to not have to park and you know the overflow, parking and total darkness. But yeah, man, it was. I enjoyed it. For those of you that are in the Miami area that like conventions that were either couldn't make it to it or weren't, you know, that were kind of like on the fence about it, I wholeheartedly, you knowedly, recommend it. Hopefully they have it at a better time, that it's not too close to Megacon, so that all the vendors and artists can make more money next time.

Speaker 2:

Folks, this sounds like a juicy five-star review, if I ever heard one Speaking of which you should probably take some time out of your day. If you're driving in the car, I understand, don't do that while you're driving. But when you stop driving or if you're doing anything active, when you finally stop that, please be sure to go to your podcast application and click that five star rating, because we need a juicy one, we need a juicy review, you know.

Speaker 1:

We need to be juicy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's how it goes here, but why don't we take a step back from Anime at Miami a little bit and talk about the topic at hand for the day? Unless, anthony, you had more to say.

Speaker 1:

No, no, we're good to go. That was my spiel. We are good to go.

Speaker 2:

The Dragon Prince, season one. We're covering the first nine episodes of the show. It's, I, I think. When I first started watching the show a couple months back, I was surprised how quickly it was to just get through episodes, because the story is just easy to digest. There's not a whole lot of like new narratives thrown in at you throughout the course of it and and it's all one overarching story and through line, basically like chapters in a book, you know. So it's a really easy show, at least for me to have binged. And I was surprised when I got to season two, not because of what happens in season two or anything, I'm just like surprised that. Oh you know, I finished this in a very short time. Maybe this would be a good idea to cover on Project Geekology, and I finally convinced these two bozos to get on board. Guys, what did you think?

Speaker 3:

So it's weird, because if you put it down on paper and you had told me all the beats, I think I would have said, eh, it's derivative and it's pandering, and I don't think I'm gonna like it because they're trying to force me to like it. And then I liked it like there's no business like there. There's one line that really catches it for me and it's like you know, grabs I can't remember the name of the animal, you know he's like say hello to my little friend and I'm like oh bait, okay, I'm like hold on, hold, on hold on.

Speaker 3:

Like, what are we talking about right now? Like this is. This is like, most likely a kid's show.

Speaker 2:

I, I, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, like I, I was really confused when I, when I tell you listeners that you know if, if you go into this with like a you know, a cultured, you know view on pop culture and you've experienced a lot of things you're going to just find little, just like throwaway lines that are very clearly from different things.

Speaker 2:

They like I've mentioned on the show a number of times that they reference Avatar, the Last Airbender, all the time throughout the course of this show and I noticed a couple more times during this watching of season one that I'll talk about later. But yeah, there's tons of that. There's a whole scene in season five.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of one-liners.

Speaker 2:

There's a whole lot of one-liners.

Speaker 1:

Like Rich said, say hello to my little friend and Bate just glows and becomes uh and then what you said, like when you first, like you know, spoke on this episode about the hot morning, was it hot brown morning potion? Yes, yeah, yeah. And I that made me laugh because, like I, you know, I was like oh, this is kind of like a, like a real life joke in there, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, there's a lot of like references to like actual, like other titles, like there's a whole scene that's like very reminiscent of like Twin Peaks in the Red Lodge scenes that blew my mind that they were able to get away with that and like most people watching probably had no idea what the heck was going on. Heck was going on there's. So in the in the first episode, claudia, the daughter of the high mage, she basically she's reading a book in like the main courtyard and the book is called love amongst the dragons, which is a play that ang and his friends watch at the end of season three of avatar, the last airbender in the fire nation. It's like a popular fire nation play called love amongst the dragons. I I totally missed that the first time through, but that's something that claudia was reading, you know oh, I didn't even catch that yeah, it's, it's super, super minimal.

Speaker 2:

And then, you know, like in avatar, the last airbender, we have characters like saka, who, you know, the the actor jack de sena plays a major character in this series yeah, it's like very similar oh, it's, it's the exact same character yeah, yeah they even play off off the.

Speaker 2:

They play off on the idea that, like he's the plan guy which is exactly what socca was in avatar the last air bender and there's even a line in in avatar, the last airbender, where it's like the new plan is the old plan and that and that's a major part of like they're trying to figure out what's happening on the mountaintop later in the season. I think someone says something along the lines of like no, the original plan is correct, the new plan is the old plan. And it's just like. If you yeah, it's just fun, if you're paying attention and you know like, you can watch this show completely oblivious to any and all Easter eggs and references to either real life or other titles, and it's fine, it becomes a fun show. But it becomes just a game of like haha, I caught that, haha, I know what that's about. It becomes a game of that. So I thought that that was pretty cool. I'm glad you picked up on. Obviously you picked up on say hello to my little friend, but that's a very blatant one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there were a lot of things like. Like, at first I, I, I honestly I was like I don't know. It did remind me a lot of avatar, but I don't think it hit me as I don't know why it on. You know, when they went on a quest, I went a point and I was like, oh, it's very, lord of the rings. It almost was like somebody was like let's just take a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and these people who like this kind of stuff will like it. And that's why I kind of was resistant. But then by the end of the season I'm like gosh, darn it, you got me. The only thing that drives me crazy, there's one thing about the entire show. I watched episode three, I gotta say, like three times and every time I got to the end and I said, did I miss what happened to king harrow?

Speaker 3:

oh, oh okay, uh okay, so we have to talk okay, and and I and, and then you know, like, I got it, I get it and we'll talk about it, right, but it's just, that episode for me was very confusing. It was very.

Speaker 2:

I think it's meant yeah, but it to be to be honest, I don't actually know the answer to this, because I'm five seasons I I've seen the first five oh, okay and that has not been answered, but something happened in that room and I I feel like that's going to be explored later down the line. They kind of give you the idea that the king's soul was forcibly swapped into another body to protect the king's life, but the body of the king was killed okay because but we just never get.

Speaker 3:

There's not even a square down scene. Really, like I kept rewinding, I started like scanning the episode. I'm like am I crazy? Like did I just miss the scene? Because it just goes from like here's the attack, and then episode four starts with a funeral anthony, what did?

Speaker 2:

what did you think of that? We haven't really spoken to you at all I felt like the scene was.

Speaker 1:

It was alluded to the king being killed, but there's an obvious reason why something wasn't shown. But I I feel like, I feel like like I picked up on the moment that the king was in the throne room and, you know, supposedly something happened. Obviously it was something going on with the high mage, which is like very much so, like his character reminds me of jafar, like a lot, you know, like he's got okay, yeah, yeah, yeah um, you know he's like the second in command and you know he obviously has this ulterior motive of ruling the kingdom.

Speaker 1:

In this instance it's jafar with kids and I know that he like he's kind of roped his kids into this thing. But I don't hate them like. I feel like they're very likable. They're very likable and I I don't think that I think when push comes to shove, they're not gonna. I mean, you're further than us, you know. So we're I'm going, you know, based purely on speculation. But you know, I think that you know, whenever this confrontation happens, that they catch up, that I don't think that they're gonna actually want to harm ezran or callum at all yeah and you know, and, and like they're, they're just very silly.

Speaker 1:

You know, I really like the, the joke that, oh my gosh, what? What was the son's name? Again, it was soren soren, soren, right, and you know, there he was talking about the, the tallest mountain, and was it Kaltuk? Katalis, katalis, yes, and he's like you could say that it's the Katalis mountain and I, dude, I loved how corny it was and it was meant to be that. Yes, and there's a lot of, and they're both like that and so, yeah, like their characters are very likable and I just I feel like, unfortunately, you know, they're pawns to their father and, yeah, like I can't wait to see, like, how their story progresses Because, I'll be honest, like at first, when I first started watching it, the show didn't grab me right away.

Speaker 2:

It took yeah, it's a. It's a little bit of a slow burn, it's like charming, but it's like am I really going to get it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Right, I feel like by episode four and a half. Five is when, like it started to grab me a little bit more.

Speaker 2:

So let so let's talk a little bit about the. You know the overall premise of the show, because I know probably a lot of you who are just casual listeners to the podcast and you know, don't follow along with every single title, don't know what exactly we're talking about. So the dragon prince is a show on netflix. It's like fantasy animated series. Anthony, you already mentioned that. It's kind of like avatar, the last airbender, a little bit of ruby. I've heard people compare it to arcane. I I have not seen arcane, but basically the the story premise going into this series is that the lands of the east and the west are divided in the middle. Uh, the lands to the east are like magical elf lands that the dragons live there, and at some point 1000 years ago the humans learned a new type of magic that killed other life forms so that they could, you know, wield magic. It's called dark magic and that dark magic kind of separated them from other races who used like natural forms of magic and basically that caused a rift in their society and there was a long-standing war between men and elves for, I'm assuming, about a thousand years. So in this show we pick up a couple weeks after the king and his advisor, the high mage Viren, go and kill the dragon king. And this is a character like the dragon king is a literal dragon king who protects the border between the two, you know, the east and the west of this continent. And in so doing they also supposedly killed the dragon prince, which was an egg. But we find out early on in the series that the dragon prince is still alive in egg form. And during a assassination attempt on the king's life, the elves are retaliating on the humans. At this point, in an assassination attempt, one of the elves, rayla, goes and finds the two princes, the two human princes, and they show her that the dragon prince egg is still alive. So the three of them are now on a trek to bring it back to the other side of Zadia, which is like the elf lands, and bring it to the mother dragon, basically.

Speaker 2:

So this first season is only the start to their journey into Zadia. I don't even think they've made it into Zadia by the end of the season and a lot happens. But we start to realize that the High Mage Viren is not as altruistic as he seems. He seems to be very power hungry and opportunistic when it comes to taking over the throne after the king is supposedly killed. So it really throws you in on this like power struggle, game of Thrones type thing really early on.

Speaker 2:

I would say it's a very engaging and very fun show. It always keeps it lighthearted with its. You know humor and writing style, but you know some heavy stuff does happen, especially later on in the series, that you guys don't really know yet. But its, you know humor and writing style, but you know some heavy stuff does happen, especially later on in the series, that you guys don't really know yet. But you know we'll eventually hopefully get to that point. But yeah, that's kind of a basic premise of the dragon prince for those of you who aren't aware right and we and we opted to cover this whole first season in one episode, because it really is.

Speaker 1:

It's really easy to to talk about the entirety of the season in one episode. It's not extremely lore intensive in the way that, like the rings of power, is that, that that requires? And even like, even like, shogun, it's also short episodes.

Speaker 2:

I think it's like 20 minutes a piece for nine episodes. It's like a long movie basically that you're watching all together. I find it a really enjoyable little TV show that we don't have to cover every single week because I know that there's seven seasons, but we can break it up with other things. It's something that we can fall back on easily and it's a I think it's a joy to watch, you know. So what do you guys have, like? I'm curious, like what questions are left in your minds having watched the first season? We'll start with rich outside of. You know, like what happened to the king?

Speaker 3:

so I guess, like I mean, seven seasons is a lot. You know, I I don't, I can't, I mean, obviously the journey is going to be a lot of the way. I mean, I think so hold on, hold on.

Speaker 2:

I'll break it up. The first three seasons are is is the the journey to bring this dragon prince back home? Okay, that is its own quest. The set, the, the second set of three, like the seasons four through six, apparently are like a second part or a second quest that takes place a couple years later and then I I don't know what season seven is. I'm assuming it's just like a wrap-up of everything yeah, like a culmination of is that the final season of the different plot threats?

Speaker 3:

yeah, yeah, but I'm sorry, go ahead so I just, I, you know, I I wonder how it's going to kind of keep our attention. I, I just feel like one. The world is very I don't know how to put it the the world works right, but I think it's also a very tired world in that you, you know, it's your basic. I mean it's very much like it feels like it's Avatar, but in Lord of the Rings, so you even have the elemental forces kind of right going on there, but then it's just in your high fantasy element of you know medieval times, you know medieval times. I do like that. I don't feel, you know like Game of Thrones is like well, american accent. That can't work for this time period. I mean, I know there's dragons, but only the British know about that, you know. So everyone's got like some sort of an accent, whereas here, I mean you have the elves with their Scottish accents, which I just I love, I do like that.

Speaker 2:

there's just also like American sounding dudes, you know because, yeah, you know yeah, I mean I most, most of the humans, have an American accent, so that that is definitely not the norm for most fantasy.

Speaker 1:

You know I do like that you bring up the fact that the elves have like the Scottish accent, because I don't think I've ever seen that before in my life and it's interesting, it's usually the dwarves Right, exactly.

Speaker 1:

The dwarves usually have that type of accent. So having some type of elf that speaks like that it was, it was like a, you know, an interesting take and like it's not anything like I hated, like after a while, like you, you just get used to it yeah, you don't even hear it after a little bit, but I I will say the first time I watched it I like okay, so they're playing on the tropes a little bit.

Speaker 2:

You know, like doors are the ones that are always given the Scottish accents, but now it's the, you know, the elegant elves are now given like a very like thick Scottish brogue and it's a very fun paradigm shift in that in that respect. So I like that right.

Speaker 1:

Well, well, you know, these elves are kind of like, they kind of remind me of the drow. You know like they're okay, they're not like a wood elf, they're not a high elf, they're, you know, like dark elves.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they're called moon shadow elves yeah, so there are different types of elves that you'll eventually encounter throughout the, throughout the series okay, cool and I I will say they don't all have a scottish accent well, do we get any elegant sounding dwarves? I'm trying to think if there are dwarves I don't know, as as of season five, I don't think dwarves, dwarves exist. I think it's just humans and elves in this world but, I could be, I, I might just not have gotten dwarves always get the short end of the stick right probably due to their height.

Speaker 3:

Sorry guys that's okay.

Speaker 2:

What did you guys think of some of the humor? I know that for me one of the most disarming things was the humor, disarming in a good way. There were certain things or scenes that I was just like this is kind of silly, but the humor is making up for things that in my head otherwise I'd be like this doesn't really make any sense, things that, like in my head I'm otherwise I'd be like this doesn't really make any sense, but the humor gives it that edge that changes the way that I experience the scene. So there's aunt amaya, which is, you know, she's like a warrior woman, she's the aunt of callum and ezran, the princes, and she's deaf. She eventually, you know, tasks her assistant.

Speaker 1:

I think his name is corporal glenn or gren or I think she like makes him a commander yes, commander, commander gren, I believe his name is.

Speaker 2:

She makes him. Yeah, commander gren, sorry. She sends him on a quest to be the head in in a search for the kids and as soon as she leaves, he's imprisoned. And so it's like oh sorry, commander, grant bad news, you're off the hunt. And he's just like but I'm supposed to be leading it. And then the next scene is him just like, chained up in the dungeon and my favorite part of that scene.

Speaker 1:

It was like oh, if you want to talk about it, we can meet at like nine o'clock, yeah. And then the next scene he's like in the, he's in the dungeon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude yeah he's, he says like he's, so that works with he goes.

Speaker 1:

That works with my schedule dude, I know and I'm like, bro, like this guy is obviously like acting very like nefarious and kind of like you know that he's up to no good, like he makes it very obvious that he's up to no good and so like the humor in that that moment it like I'm like it's like this guy is just like he just got pulled off of this this, you know search and rescue, you know just out of nowhere, and he's like, oh, if you want to talk about it, you can meet with me, like obviously, and like somewhere, like sick, like in a dark alley at midnight.

Speaker 3:

You basically like dude hello, that.

Speaker 1:

That's like. That's an invitation to get shanked.

Speaker 2:

You know like come on so I love that throughout the season, like the rest of the season after the fact, he's just kind of like a recurring character in the dungeon and whenever Viren goes to like visit his elf prisoner, whenever he leaves, like, there's a little interaction with Commander Gren and my favorite is, you know, he's trying to like get the elf to eat the fruit and he leaves.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And Gren goes. I'd like some elf fruit it was like zadian.

Speaker 1:

It was like a zadian uh citrus and he was like trying to get him to eat it and like when he leaves he's like, oh, I'd like to try zadian citrus. And he just like completely ignores him.

Speaker 2:

Dude, yeah, yeah, yeah that that, that part had got me too let's talk about some of the characters, because you know there's a there's a lot of great characters in the show. There's Callum, who is who is one of the main characters that you're following throughout the course of the series, played by Jack DeSena, who also voices Sokka in Avatar, the Last Airbender, and there's his younger brother or younger half-brother, or no, not half-brother. He's not like blood related to ezran, but he's a stepbrother and, yeah, ezran is, he's next in line for the throne the, the young prince, because he's a direct line to king harrow, and the two of them have such a funny almost like they reminded me of the two brothers in over the garden wall oh yes and greg yes well, because callum is a little bit more straightforward, even though he jokes a little bit, and ezran is just completely, you know, uh, a kid, he's, he's just a kid, you know a kid with, instead of like, a like, instead of a frog that he carries around, it's a glow toad.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know if that was a reference to Over the Garden Wall, but it reminded me of Over the Garden Wall quite a bit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I liked that they named him Bait and they had a whole explanation why they named him Bait it's because he's delicious, apparently. Yeah, apparently they're used for bait. Explanation why they named him bait it's because he's delicious, apparently. Yeah, yeah, like, like, apparently they're used for bait and like they don't want him to go into water because he doesn't know how delicious he is he doesn't know, he can't know.

Speaker 2:

What do you guys think about the magic system so rich? You mentioned that there were six elemental powers, basically. So there's the power of the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the water. So I think they call it the land, the ocean and the sky. I think they avoid using Avatar, the Less Airbender terminology. So, instead of fire, it's sun, instead of air, it's sky, instead of earth it's land, and instead of, you know, fire, it's sun instead of scott, instead of air, it's sky, instead of earth it's land, and instead of water it's ocean.

Speaker 2:

Something like that which I like but yeah you know, I think everyone watching this who has already watched avatar the last airbender is just like oh okay, real clever guys, uh and it seems like they have like some other other elements. Well, I don't know elements, but like you know that there's like definitely some something going on with the moon too so yeah, that's, that's one of the six primal elements the moon and the moon shadow elves take their power from the moon yeah which kind of is a similar concept to something that they had an avatar?

Speaker 1:

yeah, with the waterbenders.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they were strongest during full moons. But this takes it kind of to the next level where they're basically like invisible and invincible. So I thought that was neat, if you guys ever saw.

Speaker 3:

There's a book named Angels and Demons. It was also a movie with Dan Brown, yeah, so he also wrote Digital Fortress and it's essentially it. It's like angels and demons, but with, like computer ciphers instead of, like you know, the, the scroll codes that they had in angels and in that series and it. This gives me the same vibes that like it's very. You know, if you were a fan of the first one, you're, you know you're into it and you're like you know you guys got some stuff.

Speaker 3:

But if you, I think, if you kind of just roll with it and don't yeah because if you start fighting it or if you start trying to pick it apart, I think that's that's where you'll kind of get in the weeds with it. But if you just kind of like, let let yourself go, I I think it's really enjoyable so with this magic system.

Speaker 2:

It's interesting because humans aren't given the ability naturally to learn the six primal elements. So supposedly a thousand years ago there was a human mage who discovered dark magic, which is basically like you suck the life force out of other living things to use their power as a new, seventh form of magic called dark magic, and it's obviously like super evil and corrupting and you get some glimpse.

Speaker 2:

You know, viren, like looking extra creepy during some points of this season because he's just so corrupted by this dark magic and you can even use it to like re-energize yourself, like there's a scene where he uses like this glowing butterfly to basically rejuvenate his original human form. Look and it's. It's really creepy. And you see eventually, if you guys continue watching the show, that it does corrupt you in other ways, physically. So I think that that's pretty sweet.

Speaker 1:

And then it was interesting that Callum uses this, you know.

Speaker 2:

The Primal Stone, yeah, the.

Speaker 1:

Primal Stone. You know Palantir thing, you know that has like a storm. I thought it was really cool it had like a storm in it like a storm trapped inside right right and and, like you could hear the lightning, and, and it was cool because, like that was that, that was what the like powers were, that that, um, like you know, the winds, the electricity yeah, so that that primal stone was specifically a sky primal stone.

Speaker 2:

So the powers of the sky is what he is capable of controlling when he's using that as a conduit, because otherwise humans don't have that ability to use. You know magic at all, unless you're using dark magic. Basically, I think that that's a cool touch to the series that you know.

Speaker 1:

It kind of limits your main characters just a little bit and they have to use like a draconic to actually complete the spell too, which was really cool yeah that, I think that's pretty sweet yeah, I had.

Speaker 3:

What's her name? Vibes? Uh, am I can't? I can't. Now I'm losing her name Daenerys Stormborn when he's like Jacaerys at the.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, and I was like oh.

Speaker 3:

Jacaerys, I was like nice. You know, I even with Callum I got a. Did you guys ever watch Merlin?

Speaker 2:

The baby's version. I watched like an episode or two.

Speaker 3:

All right. So this was like a, I'd say early on in our relationship. This was like slightly a test. I was like I'm really into this and Lauren got into it with me and I kind of see a lot of Callum in that kind of like this bumbling but powerful, you know mage type who's learning the ropes, as it were.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, and there is a lot of that you you know like, because he doesn't know. He's literally just copying what he saw claudia do. He saw two spells that claudia did and that becomes his two spells for the whole season and it works. You know like it works for him. That's all he needs is like the ability to like blow like extra hard wind and zap some people. So I thought that was.

Speaker 1:

That was pretty cool I like that, that moment where he's like sleeping and like so, like earlier in the season, callum and and claudia have like an interaction where she uses like you know, like a, you know like a light breeze, and you know she, she mentions like something like oh, can you like smell the peanut butter? He's like, oh, is that part of the spell? He's like, no, that's what I ate. And then he's like sleeping. And then he he's like, yeah, I can still smell the peanut butter. And then his brother and ezran like confronts him about it, like hey, what, like what were you dreaming about? He's like, oh, I was dreaming about you know. They're like, yeah, he was like you're talking about peanut butter. He's like, yeah, sandwiches, dude.

Speaker 2:

When you're older. When you're older, I'll have a nice long talk about sandwiches to you.

Speaker 1:

Ezra is so confused, oh my gosh. Yeah, but yeah, let's talk a little bit about Rayla. Like I, you know she's she's an interesting character. You know she's an interesting character. You know she's obviously a moon elf that doesn't really want to harm people and you see it earlier in the season. You know, like there's a moment where she could have killed somebody, but she opted not to.

Speaker 2:

She's an assassin who's never killed.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, and they do this oath where they like, wrap this it's like a ribbon around their arms or around you know wherever their arm, their wrist or whatever and they have to complete whatever oath, or it's just going to keep on squeezing until that part just gets dies and falls right exactly and it sounds terrible like.

Speaker 2:

It sounds like so painful for real.

Speaker 1:

And you know she was like completely like prepared, like you know, throughout the the season for this to happen, like she was, like you know I'm glad, like I didn't kill, like her task was to kill ezran obviously she didn't. And you know she's fully prepared and you know we have that moment where we get the dragon prince. You know, hatches from his egg and you know I'm I'm assuming that, like dragon magic is the strongest because, like nothing, nothing could have like broken this. She, she's tried cutting it off with her blades. She found somebody had a sun blade that she tried to use. Yeah, that was really cool, that it was almost like a. It was that's like a lightsaber, essentially.

Speaker 2:

You know and yeah, the sunforged blade.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I thought it was really cool and, like that, couldn't do anything, but the dragon prince was able to bite it off and I thought that was really cool and you know I was wondering how they were going to go about that. Like you know, I obviously at some point they were going to find a way for us for this to come out or for her to cut it off, and it was cool that that happened yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

So I really did like rayla as a character, because she was conflicted she doesn't want to hurt callum and Ezran and she was withholding information from them for a while, because I think she does, you know, pretty, pretty early on, consider them friends yeah the truth of why she's there was clearly burdening her so, like the idea that she needed to kill king or prince Ezran yeah was one of the bindings that until he was dead that binding was going to continue constricting her.

Speaker 2:

So the other binding that she had on her other hand is interesting because it did go away as soon as king harrow supposedly died. We didn't see his death, but as soon as king harrow died the binding on that wrist came off and she has yet to tell ezrin and callum that their parent has died at this point right and like she knew it, because, remember, when that one arrow was shot, that was what was attached to it was the fallen, the like, that fallen ribbon of yes, yes so yes.

Speaker 2:

So she definitely knew that that had been done and also, like the ribbon fell off of her right right, that one of them. So yeah, she's just holding that and it's probably eating away at her. I'd assume you know it's because you've made two and and a glowing frog friend and you, you want to. You don't want hurt them, but you know that you have to continue by their side if you want this quest to succeed.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What did you guys think of the last couple episodes where they go up to the cursed caldera and meet up with that one girl I forget her name.

Speaker 1:

I think her wolf was named Ava.

Speaker 2:

That sounds right yeah wolf was named ava.

Speaker 1:

That sounds right, yeah, but there was definitely some deep lessons that were being taught, you know, in this like and which, which is, I mean, something that that you're obviously gonna get in shows like this, you know, especially geared towards, like, a younger audience. Like you know, I remember there's a moment between you know, her and calum, and you know I remember there's a moment between you know, her and Callum and you know, talking about, like you know, they built. They were talking about the stone and he was like, oh, you know, I really can't do anything without the stone. Like, you know, I'm nothing, and you know she's like, oh well, I think that you would be pretty great with or without it. You know, and I like it when shows have that stuff.

Speaker 1:

You know Avatar had that a lot. I like it when shows have that stuff you know avatar had that a lot and when there's a a lesson like that to be told, I think that, no matter what age you are, that's something that needs to be heard. And, yeah, like, I thought that they were really good. It was interesting. There was a lot of humor in those. Those last couple episodes, especially with you know, they come against those like illusion monsters and they, uh well, except for that slug, I don't think that slug thing was that that definitely was not an illusion, but that I don't know about that actually.

Speaker 2:

I mean, yeah, it was they. They claimed by the end that, you know, everything that we saw and faced was an illusion, but I don't think I think you're right like that seemed a little too real and it was too much of a threat, and they actually did defeat it. You know, like they cut it open and, and you know, then there was a whole bunch of little baby slugs and then there was that whole, yeah, that whole like monster that was killed by a two and the blood was sucked out.

Speaker 1:

So I I think that that was real but, like the spider, obviously, was an illusion. So the wolf ava, there was a thing that happened when it was younger. It was its paw was like cut or it was, uh, crushed in a trap and they ended up having to cut that limb off, and so, like you know, while this wolf was young, it was brought over, you know, up into the, the cursed caldera, and so you know this whole time. You know the elf I forgot her name she, the illusionist elf yeah, that she's a.

Speaker 2:

She's also a moonshadow right, right.

Speaker 1:

And so, like you know, she gave off the idea that she healed the whole arm of this wolf and you know there was like this, like stone around the neck. Well, you know, we come to find out that like that leg was not real at all, like it was just that you know the wolf didn't need that leg there and obviously you know that wolf knew that there was no leg there the whole time. You know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that wolf was a liar Wolf was playing along. Well, no, the wolf told Ezran. The wolf told Ezran that, like there was no healer, Remember.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, you're right, you're yeah like so they?

Speaker 1:

that was actually like a little bit of an interesting take too, that ezran has this connection with animals and can like kind of understand and speak to them yeah, and that's actually you know.

Speaker 2:

You can see that, even like in the beginning of the show, not only because, like he's attached to the glow toad bait, but when they first get in touch and like hold on to the egg, they can ezran, specifically, can tell that it's doing well or it's not doing well. He can feel it immediately. So that was a cool touch, rich. What did you feel about that? Cursed caldera.

Speaker 3:

We got to see kind of the more magic elements, probably because of the lack of that, that that kind of dividing line or the guarding of the, the area. So I for me, you know, looking into season two, I'm expecting to see more magical creatures I guess you know something that kind of dances there, more because we spent a lot of time in the human half of the world and now it's, you know, I'm expecting to see a lot of time in the human half of the world and now it's, you know, I'm expecting to see a lot more of that magic in there. I want to see how I'm hoping that in season two they do something. I want to see what they're going to do with the whole dragons. You know, like dragons have been, I love it.

Speaker 3:

Look, I'm going to be clear I love dragons. So you know, if there's a dragon look, look, I'm gonna be clear I love dragons. So you know, if there's a dragon in something, I'm generally a huge fan of it, so I don't even really care as much. But I would like to see how the dragons are going to exist in this world, right, because they're so often that that power that eventually could fall into the wrong hands and the good guy is trying to make sure that doesn't, and I hope it's. I don't want the story just to be like viren trying to get his hands on the dragon prince because he's the nuclear bomb, essentially right I get it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because that's everywhere. You know, we see that so many times. There is definitely more than just the dragon prince and the, you know his mother. There's more dragons in this world than just those two, so he's not the end-all, be-all weapon for the humans. Basically, I'm talking about the, the dragon prince, here, but but yeah, that's, that's a good, it's an interesting, like I don't know if it's a prediction, but it's like a desire, like that's something that you want to see is just more dragons and how they interact with society and how they show their power. And, yeah, is there anything that you want to see moving forward, anthony?

Speaker 1:

I definitely want to see more, more of those stones, like I want to see, you know, the I I'd like to see calum kind of come into his own a little bit more and, like you know, utilizing those like. I mean obviously, like he like destroyed the one that he had. But right obviously that's not going to be the only one that they come across. At least I hope not right.

Speaker 2:

So we know that he is, you know, adept at magic, and you know he has never really actively studied it, but as soon as he gets his hand on the ability to do it, he does it pretty well decently right right so that's a good, I guess, guess as to what is coming next.

Speaker 2:

What do you guys feel about claudia and soren, the son and daughter of viren, who are now tasked to you? He tasks Sorin. Basically, you got to kill the princes. He doesn't say that openly, but you have to come back with the news that the princes are dead.

Speaker 2:

And with Claudia, he tasks her to at all costs get the egg, even if your brother's life is at risk. So they're both given morally challenging tasks. How do you feel that they will fare, and or whether or not they will have the guts to go through with whatever it was asked of them?

Speaker 3:

I think it's for me, claudia's, I don't know. It's weird. I almost think she's the least likely actually to bring harm upon them. But she could also be what gets callum to lower his guard because he's got a crush on her, whereas soren is all about duty and honor. You know, he was even see, but that's interesting because he questions his father at one point, I remember, where he just doesn't believe that it's the right thing to do.

Speaker 2:

So, you know, I think yeah, I don't think either of them are bad people you know they're, they're. You know, soren is very much like a machismo kind of guy, where he's, he's always, you know, just like he's kind of a bully a little bit, but that doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, just makes you.

Speaker 2:

You've just gone astray a little bit and with claudia she's, you know she has just, or I don't know if she's just, but you know she's tapped into dark magic. So there's a little bit of like evil there, even though she's outwardly, you know, pretty and funny and she's always like giggling and happy. So it's kind of like is there more like evil there than we've? Seen yet or not, you know like, and that's kind of how I feel about claudia at this point. What about you, anthony?

Speaker 1:

it's definitely would be interesting to see if she does go down, like you know, a dark path. I mean I guess it could happen in a way where her and callum kind of face off and you know it's. It's definitely a conflict because you know there's, you know, some sort of like feelings there, you know at least one-sided. You know he feels something, but I'm not 100% sure that that Soren would. I don't think he would cause any harm. You know there is a that closeness there. It's tough to to say I mean they're both, I mean you know even claudia, you know they both say that their father said some stuff that was, you know, maybe morally questionable, you know, so it's. I don't think that they're. Yeah, I just I, I just don't know, like I don't think that they would actually go down that path. But we'll see.

Speaker 2:

We'll see. We'll see. Okay, what did you guys think overall of the first season? Rich, we'll start with you.

Speaker 3:

I think I was really helped by the fact that we were going to do a podcast on it. At one point you mentioned this idea that it's charming and it's nice, but it doesn't really grab you right, I think on my first watch through. And, mind you, I mean I think I've mentioned this before but like pandemic has ruined me forever and I two screen stuff way too much, you know. So I found myself quickly and and because the episodes feed into them into each other so quickly that I just I kind of sat down one afternoon, threw it on and it was like bloop gone and I was like whoa and I needed to do a re-watch, to kind of reprocess. I actually did like a little jump just to kind of get my names down again before I did my second watch. Then it kind of, you know, again, it was just I got to see a lot more, I got to unpack more layers and get more into it.

Speaker 3:

But I think that if I hadn't, like if we were doing this show, I probably watched one season and been like, ah, okay, it's cool, you know, and I'm not sure if I would have jumped into a second one. I mean, I have betrayed my family. They heard me talking about it and they were. You know, my charlie loves avatar and so does lauren, so they were. Oh, we can't wait to watch it with you, but they waited too long, so probably gonna have to do another season one with them before we go into it okay, you know, then I get to kind of beat the kind sage on the journey, you know where they're like wait what happened?

Speaker 3:

the kind sage on the journey, you know where they're like. Wait what happened to the king? And I'm like, don't worry, guys, nobody's supposed to know yeah, anthony, what are your thoughts?

Speaker 2:

you said that early on you weren't totally grabbed but you got, you were. You kind of got the vibe of the show by episode five or so yeah how do you feel now about the whole first season?

Speaker 1:

the first season. You know it's pretty good there's. You can tell that there's a lot more story to be told, a lot of it, like you said, you know it's so easy to cover or, like you said, it like how the episodes are like super fast, you know, maybe like 20 minutes, maybe less. If you skip, you skip a lot of the stuff in the beginning, the intro and whatnot. But it's good, I enjoyed it, but I feel like it's going to get better.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, and.

Speaker 2:

I think, that that is like a solid guess because, just from my experience, the show builds on itself and so many of the characters that you grow to enjoy become characters that you grow to love, and I think they add new dynamics every season. So I'm excited to. I don't know if we're covering this next season, like next week or sometime down the line, but yeah, I'm excited to eventually cover that. Speaking of which, what are we covering next week? Do you want to continue with dragon prince? I have no problem with that, but if you guys have another idea in mind, I'm okay with that I don't know, do you have anything rich?

Speaker 1:

I mean I, I I threw something out there, but you know it's up to you oh, we, we could do.

Speaker 2:

We could do what you wanted to do. I know that you said that you wanted to do marvel rivals and actually this would probably be a good week to do that, because I'm off of work so I can start playing that. You know, on my downtime, a little bit more than I would have normally yeah I could play there there's also.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's also a good time because you're getting you're getting the rest of the fantastic four dropping in on friday oh snap yeah, we're getting human torch and the thing cool rich are you?

Speaker 2:

are you cool with getting out of your comfort zone a little bit and playing a little Marvel Rivals?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll dive into the deep end of exposing myself to the internet. Oh no, I mean, you know.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, he's going to be addicted, anthony, he's going to be absolutely addicted.

Speaker 3:

Can I be honest with you guys? My real fear, you can be honest. Yeah, so there was marvel. Was it called? Maybe it was marvel heroes 2015.

Speaker 3:

It was like a pc game and I I think it was rival. Oh yeah, I think it was rival-esque, although you could. It had this whole one player mode. But I remember at one point I was playing it and or was it that lauren had asked me to play less video games and we were early on in our relationship, so I thought that meant she wanted to use the TV and I was hogging it. So then I started playing this game and we had a giant monitor that her mom had given us, like it was like 26 inches or some bullshit, right. So when I'm behind it you couldn't see me and I just put my headphones on and I I start, when I start meeting people online to like do things. That's when I know I have to get out, right, like when I'm like, oh shoot, it's 7 45, I've got gotta meet up with my group, you know.

Speaker 2:

And that's, I'm gonna be 100 honest with you. As soon as I hear voices, I turn off the voices I just want to play the game. I don't listen to anything I do not. I do not want to hear anyone talking, so I turn off the voices immediately dude, I'm the same way.

Speaker 1:

The only time that I really speak with people online is if it's like friends. That I know and then like yeah, I'll coordinate that kind of way in full. And now you're talking about here marvel heroes was like it was like diablo yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And you know like I really got into that. So I mean, I guess if you could, if I don't have to hear their voices, I think I can, I think you don't yeah it's a choice.

Speaker 1:

You can just do your thing, old thing toggle it off.

Speaker 2:

So so that's what we'll do, guys. Next week, we're going to be covering the new game that's been shaking up the overwatch scene marvel rivals yeah, which yeah, we'll talk.

Speaker 2:

You've probably heard about it, you've probably seen it online, so we'll. We'll talk more about what it is and how it works next week. But yeah, thanks so much for listening to us here on our 110th episode of Project Geekology. Again, if you have not, please be sure to go to your podcast application and give us a review. I think, anthony, you had a certain type of review in mind.

Speaker 1:

Yeah man, Juicy and sizzling bro, Like a fajita or a burger. Or a veggie burger if that's more of your speed.

Speaker 2:

A sizzling veggie burger. I've never heard of that, but I'm sure they have existed at some point. Yeah, if you guys want to check out any of our socials, be sure to click down in the show notes down below and also be sure to read the AI drivel that the podcast application spits out, because it's actually quite enjoyable and sometimes it's kind of accurate. But there's always going to be some like wild, like it'll take like a two minute section of our discussion out of a like hour plus podcast and make that a whole paragraph out of. You know it's, it's. It's a bizarre system, but it's, it's funny.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited it does a better job at breaking something down than we are. Yeah, what's?

Speaker 2:

what's funny is it's it basically like it goes in and just like truncates what we have to say into. You know bite-sized stuff, but sometimes what it actually says is wild. So I have fun with this one. All right, guys, see you next week. Bye yo I might even play the wolverine.

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